
Picture me

one day at a time one day at a time one day at a time
what happens when you dont want to
what happens when you dont want to

this degree of depression
is not a sustainable business model
my mental going out of business sale

picture something that makes you smile
the implication being that you are forced to smile
you dont have to smile if you dont want to
you dont have to do anything if you dont want to

you can curl up in a ball on the street and die
if you want to
thats the kind of thing we pay taxes to have the freedom to do


a rhyming poem:

conceited meat
concedes defeat
whatever it sees it wants
to eat
to fry and mash and tear to shreds
or smash to smithereens instead
while pushing aside a subtle dread
that this tortured flesh is tasteless

a fitting end for the mute that trot
divide the spoils before they rot
ingest the flesh right on the spot
cant see no reason not to
(even if we didn't, we'd still want to)
- Oprah


a series of clenches/releases
an anthology of commonplace mistakes being made for no reason in particular
another organism taking up space in style
learning to love yourself in the worst of all possible worlds

truth and the pain inherent
where im from, there is no such thing
in my foxhole there are no flashing lights
no car horns, no moving images on screens, no sales pitches
only fur covered bodies huddled together for warmth

half truths and considerate lies
where i go at night, we spend our evenings in silence
concerning ourselves mostly with ritual groomings, conserving energy
temporarily afforded the luxury of stillness
a warm moist musk hangs thick in the air

im not sure if i actually have any friends
but in my den
we lick each others wounds
all the while no words pass our lips
our bond is eternal
we poop in the corner, no plumbing necessary

one day, i will get hit by a car
or die of cancer
but ive seen my brothers and sisters ripped to pieces
one day i will be too
and im pretty much fine with that


i uploaded a photo of myself and
several of my friends commented on how beautiful i am
"b a b e"
"so cute"

and i felt fulfilled
i went through the rest of my day feeling satisfied

why not?

  More Globules by Spooky Cheddar