"You aren't what I expected," she remarked slyly, as she sat there, smoldering. He stood in the doorway, silently, staring.
"You aren't what I expected," she said offhandedly, as she sat there in a pile of her own smoldering feces. He stood there in the doorway, gyrating, gently.
"You aren't what I expected," she exclaimed wide-eyed, as she sat cross-legged, utterly flaming. He stood in the doorway, rapidly fluttering his eyelids.
"You aren't what I expected," she said with her face, as she sat there trying to stand. He sat in the doorway, rapidly sitting in the doorway.
"You aren't what I expect," she said facing him as she stood there, trying to sit. He and the doorway, in an instant, were simultaneously one.
"You aren't, what?" her face cried. She sat there, sitting. He stood there, grinning.
"You aren't," cried her face. He grinned.